The very first moments of the actual anime are weird. Just weird. But that's like 30 seconds. Madlax comes on screen a minute later. She's awesome. She is one of the best agents this one organization has. She jumps out of a plane without opening her parachute (so shw doesn;t draw attention to herself) but opens it just right that it catches on the trees and she hangs a few feet off the ground. We also get to watch the people that she's obviously after as they go through a checkpoint. It continues to flash back and fourth between her and them for the duration of the episode.
There's a moment of trippy psychodelicness in which the guy that joined up with her turns into this other, it seems kinda like a flashback. I think it has something to do with the fact that she knows this guy is going to die but I don't really know.She has this weird thing about pasta- she's going to eat it afet her mission (i approve, yay pasta) but she says it several times, including after the trippy flash back moment.
The Opening theme is good. I also like some stuff about the animation. I'm not quite sure how to differntiate what I like from what I don't but there's some 80's animation and some more modern animation. It's an odd combo. I'm not sure I like this one. It's fairly odd for a first ep but I am willing to DL the next ep and just see.

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